Chafos, V. (2022, August). The Relationship Between Sex Role, Mindfulness, Perceived Stress, and Flow in Female Athletes. Presented poster presentation at American Psychological Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Chafos, V. (2022, April). Being a Female and an Athlete in Sport Culture. Training Seminar Presentation at Princeton University Counseling and Psychological Services, Princeton, NJ.
Gross, M., & Chafos, V. (2022, February) Mental Health Concerns and Student Athletes. Presented at Princeton University’s Student Athlete-Wellness Leadership (SAWL) Training Program, Princeton, NJ.
Chafos, V. (2021). The Relationship between Sex Role, Mindfulness, Perceived Stress, Anxiety, and Flow in Team Sport Female Athletes. Seton Hall University Dissertations and Theses (ETDs). 2881.
Chafos, V. & Hanbury, R. (2020, July) Disentangling anxiety versus ADHD in a female adolescent athlete experiencing performance issues. Presented case presentation at Hackensack Meridian Psychiatry Research Day.
Chafos, V. & Hanbury, R. (2020, July) The importance of integrated care: A case of psychological, medical, and performance related issues of a competitive college athlete. Presented case presentation at Hackensack Meridian Psychiatry Research Day.
Chafos, V. & Hanbury, R. (2020, July) Crisis calls and panic disorder: Evidence-based support and decreasing ER visits. Presented case presentation at Hackensack Meridian Psychiatry Research Day.
Smith, J., Vilhauer, R., & Chafos, V ( 2016). Do Military and Civilian Students Function Differently in College? Journal of American College Health.
Chafos, V., Cruz, D., & Economou, P. Understanding the Link Between Psychological Skills Training, Mindfulness, and Sports Related Injuries. (2016, August). Poster presented at American Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, Denver, Colorado.
Chafos, V. & Economou, P. (2016, Jan.). Beyond Borderline Personality Disorder, The Mindful Brain Webinar. National Association of Social Work-Wisconsin.
Chafos, V., & Economou, P. (2014). Beyond Borderline Personality Disorder, The Mindful Brain.National Association of Social Work Journal.
Economou P., Chafos, V., Farfan, M., & Idarraga, A. (2014) Reducing Cravings: Implications forTreating Addiction Mindfully. Ideas and research you can use: VISTAS 2014.
Economou, P., Farfan, M., Idarraga, A., & Chafos, V. (2015) Modismos: Mindfulness and the Importance of Language with Latin American Clients. Ideas and research you can use. VISTAS 2015.
Economou, P., & Chafos, V. (2015, April). Balancing our Emotion Regulation Systems with Compassionate Attention. Symposium presented at New Jersey Counseling Association Annual Conference, Lincroft, NJ.
Economou, P., Farfan, M., Idarraga, A., & Chafos, V. (2015, March). Modismos: Mindfulness and the Importance of Language with Latin American Clients. Symposium presented at the American Counseling Association, Orlando, Florida.
Dunn, A., Sinan, B., Yoo, J., & Chafos, V. (2015, Feb.). Taking the “Anti” out of Bullying: Developing Interventions Using a Positive Lens. Symposium presented at Columbia Round table, NY, NY.
Economou, P., Farfan, M., Idarraga, A., & Chafos, V. (2014, April.) Atencion: Cultivating Multicultural Awareness with the Spanish-Speaking Population. Symposium presented at New Jersey Counseling Association Annual Conference, Lincroft, NJ.
Chafos, V., (2013, Oct.). The Dialectic of Materialism in the Pursuit to Happiness. Poster presentedat New England Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, Bridgeport, CT.
Chafos, V., & Economou, P., (2013, Oct.). Acceptance: A Gateway to LGBT Health and Well-being. Poster presented at New England Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, Bridgeport, CT.
Chafos, V., & Economou, P., (2013, Oct.). Speaking up: Domestic Violence a Culprit in theLGBT Community, Too. Poster presented at New England Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, Bridgeport, CT.
Economou, P., & Chafos, V., (2013, Oct.) Mindfully Abusing: Clinical Applications of Mindfulness inTreating Addiction. Symposium presented at New England Psychological Association’s Annual Conference, Bridgeport, CT.Economou, P., &
Chafos, V., (2013, April). Treating Borderline Personality Mindfully and Scientifically.Symposium presented at New Jersey Counseling Association Annual Conference, Lincroft, NJ.
Kushwaha, M. & Chafos, V., (2013, Nov.). DBT: Training on Emotion Regulation. Workshop conducted at Princeton House Behavioral Health, Princeton, NJ.